Examples in Structural Analysis Book (PDF) by William M.C. McKenzie - 2nd Edition - CRC Press - Free Download



                  Structural Analysis written by William M.C. McKenzie,  a lecturer in structural engineering at Edinburgh Napier University on undergraduate and postgraduate courses, including the MSc course in Advanced Structural Engineering, graduated with a 1st Class Honours degree and a Ph.D. from Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh and has been involved in consultancy, research and teaching for more than 35 years, is published by CRC Press.
This textbook focuses on the provision of numerous fully detailed and comprehensive worked examples for a wide variety of structural problems. In each chapter a résumé of the concepts and principles involved in the method being considered is given and illustrated by several examples. A selection of problems is then presented which students should undertake on their own prior to studying the given solutions.
The methods of analysis adopted in this text represent the most commonly used ‘hand’ techniques with the exception of the direct stiffness method in Chapter 7. This matrix based method is included to develop an understanding of the concepts and procedures adopted in most computer software analysis programs. A method for inverting matrices is given in Appendix 3 and used in the solutions for this chapter - it is not necessary for students to undertake this procedure. It is included to demonstrate the process involved when solving the simultaneous equations as generated in the direct stiffness method. 


1.         Structural Analysis and Design
2.         Material and Section Properties
3.         Pin-Jointed Frames
4.         Beams
5.         Rigid-Jointed Frames
6.         Buckling Instability
7.         Direct Stiffness Method
8.         Plastic Analysis
9.         Influence Lines for Beams
10.       Approximate Methods of Analysis
* Above mentioned topics are main topics of this book and there are many sub-topics under those. Please refer the Preview below for detailed contents *


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